10 January, 2012

Wrapping up the blog: a video you TOTALLY MUST WATCH

This is a video of a Google Tech Talk in 2009. It's called 'Dramatic Changes in Polar Ice: Are we waking sleeping giants?' It's about (what else) changes in the ice extent in the Polar regions and what's the projected estimates of that extent in the next 10 to 100 years and what will be the consequences.

The reason why I think this video must be watched by all is that it's a great lecture for everyone about the mechanisms of the changes in the ice extent in the Polar regions. It's simple to understand and yet it covers the basic knowledge about the polar regions and more. He teaches how ice sheet works in the global context and how to read the diagrams and the graphs that he shows. It's an hour long but I can't emphasis just how great this video is for anyone to understand the Poles. 

It's simple, concise and straightforward. None of the political crap that we hear interspersed in a many such scientific debates/conferences. Do, DO, DO, watch this. It does a much better job than I did in explaining ice mechanisms and the instruments used to measure ice extent. 

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